Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Jackie Robinson!

Happy Birthday Jackie Robinson!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Remembering Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Learn more about Martin Luther King Jr.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Happy Winnie the Pooh Day!

Have a Honey of a Day!

Learn more about Winnie the Pooh

Thursday, January 3, 2013

3rd Grade New Year's Resolutions

Celeste 3-2
My New Year's Resolution is to get good grades and be a High Honor Roll student.

Chaazak 3-2
My New Year's Resolution is to complete every assignment the teacher gives me.

Semaj 3-2
My New Year's resolution is to spend tith my Mommy and Gramme.

Kalani 3-2
I want to improve my multiplication skills and read more books.

Isaiah 3-2
My New Year's Resolution is to eat more vegetables and read more books.

Marc 3-3
My New Year's Resolution is to eat healthy because my Mom says I don't have enough vitamins.

Eliezer 3-3
My New Year's resolution is to exercise and stay healthy so I won't get sick.

Zaniyah 3-3
My New Year's Resolution is to improve important things like my grades in school.

Micah 3-3
My New Year's Resolution is to read books, exercise and learn how to cook.

Dimitria 3-3
My New Year's Resolutions is to get all A's and O's on my report card.

Ashayah 3-3
My New Year's Resolution is to be good and  follow directions in all my specials.

Tiana 3-4
I will help around the house and do good deeds. I will donate toys I don't play with.

Ariel 3-4
My New Year's Resolution is to eat less and take time to practice my music.

Raquan 3-4
My New Year's Resolution is to read more books.

Jason 3-4
My New Year's Resolution is to be nicer to my brothers and sisters.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

4th Grade New Year's Resolutions

Sidney 4-1
My New Year's Resolution is to keep my room as clean as I can and to get more exercise.

Thron 4-1
My resolution is to get more exercise and pay attention in school.

Amiri 4-1
My New Year's Resolution is to be respectful to teachers and other people.

Laila 4-1
What I want to improve next year is my Reading, Writing, and Math skills.

Derryen 4-1
My New Year's Resolution is to work smarter not harder.

Quashon 4-1
My New Year's Resolution is to eat less candy and chips. I will eat more vegetables.

Ashley 4-2
I want to read more and study more. Get better grades in Reading and Math.

Ja'Quan 4-2
My New Year's Resolution is to play less video games. I am going  to eat healthier and get more exercise.

Trevonn H. 4-2
My New Year's Resolution is to play less games and study more.

Kimani 4-2
This year I want to eat healthier because I have been eating a lot of junk food lately.

Judea 4-2
What I will this year is my grades and I will exercise more.

Jared 4-3
My New Year's Resolution is to get good grades and be good in school.

Demetri 4-3
My New Year's Resolution is to complete my homework and stay out of trouble.

Derrick 4-3\
What I will improve is trying to be a good person and do good in school.

Jordan 4-3
My New Year's Resolution is to get better grades. I want read more than I watch TV.

Fuquan 4-4
I want to get better grades and improve my behaivior.

Jere 4-4
I will finish and turn in my school work and homework on time. I will pay more attention in class.

Miranda 4-4
My New Year's Resolution is to get better grades. I want to read more books in 2013.

Amani 4-4
My New Year's Resolution is to stay focused in class. I also want to do my chores on time.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013